Friday, February 11, 2011

Today I love you because...

So...It's around Valentine's day meaning I can be cheesy...well more cheesy then usual! I thought I'd share something that Matt and I have done since we got married. I had heard of an idea that I thought was the cutest thing ever...Every night before you went to be you would have a little notebook by your bed. Right before you went to sleep you write something you love about your significant other. It could be something the did that was special that day or something in general that you love! Then a year later you exchange then and get to read what your spouse loves about you. Well I told Matt this idea cause like I said I'm usually pretty cheesy. Well we never ended up doing it. BUT we do the lazy approach to this idea. Each night before we go to bed we say something that we love about each other. Sometimes it can just be something silly or little that they did that day. Like the other day Matt loved me because I played halo with him and the guys. That same day I think I loved him cause he was hot and very easy to look at. So it doesn't have to be this huge thought out romantic thing, although of course that is always night to, but something simple that you love about your best friend! It makes you realize that you are loved no matter what! That love will never die!!

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