So everyone asks...."Well how did it happen?" My reply....the best way ever!!! Gosh he is such a stud and knows exactly what I like and how to just make things absolutly perfect. He admitted he may have had a bit of help from my adorable friend Tarrah. With both of them planning it, it couldn't have been better!!!

I love golfing. I've worked at a course for 3 summers and this summer I got a job at Logan River Golf Course. Matt and I go golfing here and there but he gets a bit discourage cause I beat him. Now don't make fun of him yet...I've been golfing 7 years now so I've had a bit more experience then me. Just so everyone knows he can always beat me in basketball(just to make him feel better).
On Saturday July 11th he came up with his parents too look at luncheon sites but we decided to ditch out on that (even though its our luncheon haha) and go golfing. We were just haveing a great time just having fun as usual! He wasn't acting wierd or nervous or anything. To tell the truth, I kinda know the proposal was going to happen that weekend but I didn't know when and since he was acting so calm I knew it couldn't have been planned for that day. Just hacking away at the ball and the marshall came and spoke with us a bit.
We get to the last hole, 9, and just playing as normal. He chunks like two chip shots right next to the green so I was kind of making fun of him because my ball was on the green and close to the flag. I go to pull the flag and I look in the hole and there sat a green jewlery only reaction...aaaawwwwweeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I threw the flag down, ripped my glove off, he came and grabbed the ring, got down on his knee and asked me to married him. All the sudden there was a huge cheer from the clubhouse and I looked up to see a whole audience of coworkers and random golfers. The person playing behind us yelled, "did she say yes" and out of the bushes came Laura and Mike!! Oh it was the best day of my life so far!!! I can wait to spend my life with my best friend. We never have a dull moment!!! I am such a lucky girl!!!